Check out our New Office!
We are now located at 8720 North Kendall Drive, Suite 115, Miami, FL 33174. We have also modified our hours. Our new hours are Monday – Thursday from 6 am – 4 pm and are open 2 Saturdays a month for appointments.
We are now located at 8720 North Kendall Drive, Suite 115, Miami, FL 33174. We have also modified our hours. Our new hours are Monday – Thursday from 6 am – 4 pm and are open 2 Saturdays a month for appointments.
Omeprazole: Prilosec, Losec Lansoprazole: Prevacid Dexlansoprazole: Dexilant Esomeprazole: Nexium Pantoprazole: Protonix The above named generic and brand named medications respectively, used for acid reflux, are known as proton pump inhibitors or PPI’s. This class of medication work on the stomach’s parietal cells that produce the gastric acid, to inhibit or prevent the production of gastricRead more about Acid Reflux Medicine Danger[…]
The Doctor as a Patient. “How was your day? How do you feel?“ These were the questions asked by the Dermatologist when she called him. “Feeling wonderful and great”, was his reply. Silence. “Look, I got the results of your biopsy earlier today. As I thought, it IS a malignant melanoma that you have onRead more about The Doctor as a Patient[…]
Credit: USA Today American College of Physicians Recommendations for 2017. The American College of Physicians (ACP) recently developed guidelines to present the evidence and provide clinical recommendations on noninvasive treatment of low back pain. Recommendation 1: Given that most patients with acute or sub-acute low back pain improve over time regardless of treatment, clinicians andRead more about Low Back Pain Treatment Goes Holistic[…]
Great people and great professional practices know that they can always become better at what they do. Dr. Jorge Bordenave, M.D., is no exception; he has always sought to advance the practice of medicine. Jorge’s early medical education followed a very traditional path: graduation from medical school, training in internal medicine in New York andRead more about Dr. Jorge Bordenave’s Website Gets a Makeover[…]